Inspirational Quotes
I wish to go on living even after my death.
Anne Frank
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Anne Frank
Age: 15 †
Born: 1929
Born: June 12
Died: 1945
Died: March 31
Anna Frank
Anne Maries Frank
Ana Frank
Anne M. Frank
Annelies Marie Frank
More quotes by Anne Frank
One gets on better in life if one is not over modest.
Anne Frank
I'm currently in the middle of a depression. I couldn't really tell you what set it off, but I think it stems from my cowardice, which confronts me at every turn.
Anne Frank
Why can't people live with each other in peace? Why must everything be destroyed? Why must people go hungry while surplus food elsewhere in the world rots away? Oh why must people be so crazy?
Anne Frank
What I condemn are our system of values and the men who don't acknowledge how great, difficult, but ultimately beautiful women's share in society is.
Anne Frank
If we bear all this suffering and if there are still Jews left, when it is over, then Jews, instead of being doomed, will be held up as an example.
Anne Frank
If God lets me live, I shall attain more than Mummy ever has done, I shall not remain insignificant, I shall work in the world and for mankind!
Anne Frank
I live in a crazy time.
Anne Frank
Our lives are fashioned by our choices. First we make our choices. Then our choices make us.
Anne Frank
In the future I'm going to devote less time to sentimentality and more time to reality.
Anne Frank
Then I fall asleep with a stupid feeling of wishing to be different from what I am or from what I want to be perhaps to behave differently from the way I want to behave or do behave.
Anne Frank
Sometimes I think God is trying to test me, both now and in the future. I'll have to become a good person on my own, without anyone to serve as a model or advise me, but it'll make me stronger in the end.
Anne Frank
Look at how a single candle can both defy and define the darkness.
Anne Frank
Anyhow, I've learned one thing now. You only really get to know people when you've had a jolly good row with them. Then and then only can you judge their true characters!
Anne Frank
You can get around to meaningful conversations more quickly in the dark than with the sun tickling your face.
Anne Frank
If I'm engrossed in a book, I have to rearrange my thoughts before I can mingle with other people, because otherwise they might think I was strange.
Anne Frank
What's done can't be undone, but at least you can keep it from happening again.
Anne Frank
Another fact that doesn't exactly brighten up our days is that Mr. Van Maaren, the man who works in the warehouse, is getting suspicious about the Annex.
Anne Frank
We’re all alive, but we don’t know why or what for we’re all searching for happiness we’re all leading lives which are different and yet the same.
Anne Frank
One must apply one's reason to everything here, learning to obey, to shut up, to help, to be good, to give in, and I don't know what else. I'm afraid I shall use up all my brains too quickly, and I haven't got so very many. Then I shall not have any left for when the war is over.
Anne Frank
Sympathy, Love, Fortune... We all have these qualities but still tend to not use them!
Anne Frank