Inspirational Quotes
But, God knows best, I concluded.
Anne Bronte
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Anne Bronte
Age: 29 †
Born: 1820
Born: January 17
Died: 1849
Died: May 28
West Yorkshire
Acton Bell
Ann Brontë
Anne Bronte
Ann Bronte
Annie Bronte
More quotes by Anne Bronte
I still preserve those relics of past sufferings and experience, like pillars of witness set up in travelling through the valve of life, to mark particular occurrences. The footsteps are obliterated now the face of the country may be changed but the pillar is still there, to remind me how all things were when it was reared.
Anne Bronte
I love the silent hour of night, for blissful dreams may then arise, revealing to my charmed sight what may not bless my waking eyes.
Anne Bronte
How odd it is that we so often weep for each other's distresses, when we shed not a tear for our own!
Anne Bronte
To wheedle and coax is safer than to command.
Anne Bronte
It is a hard, embittering thing to have one's kind feelings and good intentions cast back in one's teeth.
Anne Bronte
Are you hero enough to unite yourself to one whom you know to be suspected and despised by all around you, and identify your interests and your honor with hers?
Anne Bronte
There are great books in this world and great worlds in books.
Anne Bronte
There is such a thing as looking through a person's eyes into the heart, and learning more of the height, and breadth, and depth of another's soul in one hour than it might take you a lifetime to discover, if he or she were not disposed to reveal it, or if you had not the sense to understand it.
Anne Bronte
God will judge us by our own thoughts and deeds, not by what others say about us.
Anne Bronte
Intimate acquaintance must precede real friendship
Anne Bronte
I am truly miserable - more so than I like to acknowledge to myself. Pride refuses to aid me. It has brought me into the scrape, and will not help me out of it.
Anne Bronte
I do believe a young lady can't be too careful who she marries.
Anne Bronte
I possess the faculty of enjoying the company of those I - of my friends as well in silence as in conversation.
Anne Bronte
I cannot get him to write or speak in real, solid earnest. I don't much mind it now, but if it be always so, what shall I do with the serious part of myself?
Anne Bronte
Keep guard over your eyes and ears as the inlets of your heart, and over your lips as the outlets, lest they betray you in a moment of unwariness.
Anne Bronte
I thought Mr. Millward never would cease telling us that he was no tea-drinker, and that it was highly injurious to keep loading the stomach with slops to the exclusion of more wholesome sustenance, and so give himself time to finish his fourth cup.
Anne Bronte
No generous mind delights to oppress the weak, but rather to cherish and protect.
Anne Bronte
the best compliment to a mother is to appreciate her little one.
Anne Bronte
I would rather have your friendship than the love of any other woman in the world.
Anne Bronte
There is always a but in this imperfect world.
Anne Bronte