Inspirational Quotes
I cannot love a man who cannot protect me.
Anne Bronte
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Anne Bronte
Age: 29 †
Born: 1820
Born: January 17
Died: 1849
Died: May 28
West Yorkshire
Acton Bell
Ann Brontë
Anne Bronte
Ann Bronte
Annie Bronte
More quotes by Anne Bronte
He had not breathed a word of love, or dropped one hint of tenderness or affection, and yet I had been supremely happy. To be near him, to hear him talk as he did talk, and to feel that he thought me worthy to be so spoken to - capable of understanding and duly appreciating such discourse - was enough.
Anne Bronte
the best compliment to a mother is to appreciate her little one.
Anne Bronte
God will judge us by our own thoughts and deeds, not by what others say about us.
Anne Bronte
The end of Religion is not to teach us how to die, but how to live.
Anne Bronte
But smiles and tears are so alike with me, they are neither of them confined to any particular feelings: I often cry when I am happy, and smile when I am sad.
Anne Bronte
My cup of sweets is not unmingled: it is dashed with a bitterness that I cannot hide from myself, disguise it as I will.
Anne Bronte
Chess-players are so unsociable, they are no company for any but themselves.
Anne Bronte
It is a hard, embittering thing to have one's kind feelings and good intentions cast back in one's teeth.
Anne Bronte
No one can be happy in eternal solitude.
Anne Bronte
It is better to arm and strengthen your hero, than to disarm and enfeeble your foe.
Anne Bronte
He never could have loved me, or he would not have resigned me so willingly
Anne Bronte
What business had I to think so much of one that never thought of me?
Anne Bronte
I see that a man cannot give himself up to drinking without being miserable one half his days and mad the other besides, I like to enjoy my life at all sides and ends, which cannot be done by one that suffers himself to be the slave of a single propensity.
Anne Bronte
No for instead of delivering myself up to the full enjoyment of the as others do, I am always troubling my head about how I could produce the same effect upon canvas and as that can never be done, it is mere vanity and vexation of spirit.
Anne Bronte
A girl's affections should never be won unsought.
Anne Bronte
I began this book with the intention of concealing nothing, that those who liked might have the benefit of perusing a fellow creature's heart: but we have some thoughts that all the angels in heaven are welcome to behold -- but not our brother-men -- not even the best and kindest amongst them.
Anne Bronte
If you would have a boy to despise his mother, let her keep him at home, and spend her life in petting him up, and slaving to indulge his follies and caprices.
Anne Bronte
All our talents increase in the using, and every faculty, both good and bad, strengthens by exercise.
Anne Bronte
I do believe a young lady can't be too careful who she marries.
Anne Bronte
You may think it all very fine, Mr. Huntingdon, to amuse yourself with rousing my jealousy but take care you don't rouse my hate instead. And when you have once extinguished my love, you will find it no easy matter to kindle it again.
Anne Bronte