Inspirational Quotes
Life isn't just fair. It's just fairer than death, that's all. -William Goldman
Ann Brashares
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Ann Brashares
Age: 57
Born: 1967
Born: July 30
Film Writer
City of Alexandria
More quotes by Ann Brashares
People left a lot of things behind when they went in the water. Their clothes, their stuff, their makeup, their fixed-up hair, their voices, their hearing, their sight—at least as the normally experienced them.
Ann Brashares
Love made you admire funny things about a person, like how good she was at remembering to return her library books and at slicing cucumbers very thin. She was a veritable wonder at pulling a splinter out of her foot.
Ann Brashares
Ruins stood for what was lost, and yet there were beautiful-peaceful, historic, intellectual. Not tragic or regrettable. Lena tried to keep hers that way too, and she succeeded to some extent. Why not celebrate what you had rather than spend your time mourning its passing? There could be joy in things that ended.
Ann Brashares
She wondered again about her inclination to wish for things that made her so deeply unhappy.
Ann Brashares
It was funny to hear her voice aloud. Her thoughts and perceptions usually existed so deep inside her, they rarely made it to the surface without a deliberate effort.
Ann Brashares
Carmen was bad at loving. She loved too hard.
Ann Brashares
It was like a dream you might have after death in which lost people came back to life, your friends loved you again no matter what you had done, and your failures were unaccountably forgiven.
Ann Brashares
He no longer represented someday a possibility. He represented a road not taken a road that suddenly shot so far into the distance she couldn’t see it anymore.
Ann Brashares
The phone was her worst enemy and her best friend but she never knew which until she answered it.
Ann Brashares
She wasn’t sure if he wanted more from her or if he wanted less. Maybe it was both. Maybe it was always both.
Ann Brashares
She used to cry roughly three times a year. Now she seemed to cry three times before breakfast. Could that be considered progress?
Ann Brashares
The weather turned. Her skin seemed to grow a million extra pores, and all of them opened to take in the warmth and tenderness of the air. The sun on her face made her want to cry. Into all those millions of open pores came the sunshine, and other feelings as well. In and out. She was porous.
Ann Brashares
How is it that a person could be so relieved and so disappointed, both at the same time.
Ann Brashares
The present no matter what I brought couldn’t change the past. The Past was set and sealed.
Ann Brashares
Carmen didn't like change, and she certainly didn't like endings.
Ann Brashares
The word friends doesn't seem to stretch big enough to describe how we feel about each other. We forget where one of us starts and the other one stops.
Ann Brashares
If you ever meet a guy and you fall in love with him, but because of some weird genetic mutation he doesn't seem to return the feeling?... Wear that dress.
Ann Brashares
Love demands everything, they say, but my love demands only this: that no matter what happens or how long it takes, you`ll keep faith in me, you`ll remember who we are, and you`ll never feel despair.
Ann Brashares
The path of your life can change in an instant.
Ann Brashares
Love is like war easy to begin, hard to end.
Ann Brashares