Inspirational Quotes
I think that any sculpture is a response to its environment. It can be brought to life or put to sleep by the environment.
Andy Goldsworthy
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Andy Goldsworthy
Age: 68
Born: 1956
Born: July 25
Environmental Artist
Land Artist
County Palatine of Chester
Andi Gōruzuwājī
Andrew Goldsworthy
More quotes by Andy Goldsworthy
Once the fired stone is out of the kiln, it is still possible to mentally reconstruct it in its original form.
Andy Goldsworthy
Sometimes you need to stop doing something to really see it afresh.
Andy Goldsworthy
I think I have been fashioned by the fickle weather of Britain that it is - it's forever changing. There's no kind of constant sun or dry weather or freezing weather, and I'm always having to change and adapt to that.
Andy Goldsworthy
The main source of my income is through the commissions of the large-scale works and big sculptures, the projects.
Andy Goldsworthy
We often forget that we are nature.
Andy Goldsworthy
There are occasions when I have moved boulders, but I'm reluctant to, especially ones that have been rooted in a place for many years.
Andy Goldsworthy
A lot of my work is like picking potatoes you have to get into the rhythm of it. It is different than patience. It is not thinking. It is working with the rhythm.
Andy Goldsworthy
A snowball is simple, direct and familiar to most of us. I use this simplicity as a container for feelings and ideas that function on many levels.
Andy Goldsworthy
The process of growth is obviously critical to my understanding of the land and myself. So the process is far more unpredictable with far more compromises with the day, the weather, the material.
Andy Goldsworthy
I've laid down in dried up streambeds, leaving a shadow. And then, five minutes later, it's flash flooded, and where I once laid is now running water, which would've washed me away, you know? There's that power and danger often in places that look so calm and pastoral to begin with.
Andy Goldsworthy
In contact with materials, I can see so much more with my hands than I can just with my eyes. I'm a participant, not a spectator. I see myself both as an object and a material, and the human presence is really important to the landscapes in which I work.
Andy Goldsworthy
When I make a work, I often take it to the very edge of its collapse, and that's a very beautiful balance.
Andy Goldsworthy
I love the winter. Well, I love all the seasons, but the winter is possibly one of the most intense.
Andy Goldsworthy
The photography is not the aim of the work the articulation of the work through photography is another way of understanding what's going on and what's happening outside.
Andy Goldsworthy
If I'm going to understand the land, I have to understand the wind, the snow, the rain, the leaves, the ice, and changes in temperature. It just reflects a reality for me.
Andy Goldsworthy
My work comes first, reasons for it follow.
Andy Goldsworthy
Fire is the origin of stone.By working the stone with heat, I am returning it to its source.
Andy Goldsworthy
When I’m working with materials it’s not just the leaf or the stone, it’s the processes that are behind them that are important. That’s what I’m trying to understand, not a single isolated object but nature as a whole.
Andy Goldsworthy
People do not realise that many of my works are done in urban places. I was brought up on the edge of Leeds, five miles from the city centre-on one side were fields and on the other, the city.
Andy Goldsworthy
I want to get under the surface. When I work with a leaf, rock, stick, it is not just that material in itself, it is an opening into the processes of life within and around it. When I leave it, these processes continue.
Andy Goldsworthy