Inspirational Quotes
The first snowball I froze was put in my mother's deep freeze when I was in my early 20s.
Andy Goldsworthy
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Andy Goldsworthy
Age: 68
Born: 1956
Born: July 25
Environmental Artist
Land Artist
County Palatine of Chester
Andi Gōruzuwājī
Andrew Goldsworthy
More quotes by Andy Goldsworthy
Movement, change, light, growth, and decay are the life-blood of nature, the energies that I try to tap through my work.
Andy Goldsworthy
I enjoy working in a quiet and subversive way.
Andy Goldsworthy
If you've ever come across a tree that you've lived with for many years and then one day it's blown over, there's incredible shock and violence about that.
Andy Goldsworthy
A lot of my work is like picking potatoes you have to get into the rhythm of it. It is different than patience. It is not thinking. It is working with the rhythm.
Andy Goldsworthy
My art is an attempt to reach beyond the surface appearance. I want to see growth in wood, time in stone, nature in a city, and I do not mean its parks but a deeper understanding that a city is nature too-the ground upon which it is built, the stone with which it is made.
Andy Goldsworthy
The main source of my income is through the commissions of the large-scale works and big sculptures, the projects.
Andy Goldsworthy
Fire is the origin of stone.By working the stone with heat, I am returning it to its source.
Andy Goldsworthy
I have worked with this red all over the world - in Japan, California, France, Britain, Australia - a vein running round the earth. It has taught me about the flow, energy and life that connects one place with another.
Andy Goldsworthy
We often forget that we are nature.
Andy Goldsworthy
If I had to describe my work in one word, that word would be time.
Andy Goldsworthy
It's art that's taught me to think and to write.
Andy Goldsworthy
I'm very fortunate to be able to do what I do and live the way I do.
Andy Goldsworthy
I think that I'm always trying to get beyond the surface appearance of things, to go beyond what I can just see.
Andy Goldsworthy
I can't edit the materials I work with. My remit is to work with nature as a whole.
Andy Goldsworthy
I knew the tree when it grew, and the tree is now gone. The farmers cut it up, and it's become firewood. And there's this tremendous sense of absence and shock and violence attendant to that collapsing tree.
Andy Goldsworthy
The things that I make are that which a person will make. They're not meant to mimic nature. They are nothing but the result of a hand of a person.
Andy Goldsworthy
Art is not a career - it's a life.
Andy Goldsworthy
Beauty is what sustains things, although beauty is underwritten by pain and fear.
Andy Goldsworthy
As with all my work, whether it's a leaf on a rock or ice on a rock, I'm trying to get beneath the surface appearance of things. Working the surface of a stone is an attempt to understand the internal energy of the stone.
Andy Goldsworthy
Understanding the materials I work with... gives me a deeper understanding of my place. And it's helped me make sense of the changes that are happening to me as I grow older.
Andy Goldsworthy