Inspirational Quotes
Nags nag because they feel they aren't being heard.
Amy Dickinson
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Amy Dickinson
Age: 65
Born: 1959
Born: November 6
New York
More quotes by Amy Dickinson
Life is easier when you are comfortable in your own skin.
Amy Dickinson
You must give and receive love only when doing so doesn't hurt others. That's the ethical path, and you should gain strength from walking it.
Amy Dickinson
Perspective is the enemy of long-lost love.
Amy Dickinson
Couples who have been together for a long time say the key to staying together is to work as a team toward the greater good, tolerating some tough (even tragic) times to grow together and work toward a mature kind of union.
Amy Dickinson
I believe that everyone deserves love, and sometimes looking outside your own culture is a good way to find it.
Amy Dickinson
Almost any group of three is going to form a triangle, with two points closer to one another.
Amy Dickinson
All promises are empty - until they are fulfilled.
Amy Dickinson
There is nothing more painful than being rejected simply for being who you are.
Amy Dickinson
Weddings and funerals are when you figure out who your real friends are.
Amy Dickinson
Ask 10 people about their family relationships and at least five of them will report an estrangement.
Amy Dickinson
Bullies often act out by marshaling aggression to cover up for insecurity.
Amy Dickinson
If nothing changes, you will have to put your disappointment in perspective.
Amy Dickinson
Single parenthood is hard, but it's simple too. You just do everything yourself.
Amy Dickinson
Do not make your current partner pay for the crimes and misdemeanors of your previous partners.
Amy Dickinson
Being alone is almost always preferable to being with the wrong person.
Amy Dickinson
Friends tell each other the truth, and then friends stick around for the aftermath.
Amy Dickinson
Boredom has an important function, because pushing through it can unleash creativity.
Amy Dickinson
I think that, on some level, everybody lives vicariously through couples who are getting married.
Amy Dickinson
One downside of being an optimist is that optimistic people tend to forget yesterday's trauma in the belief that everything will turn out well. This can keep people in bad relationships because they genuinely believe that things will always improve.
Amy Dickinson
Friends tell the truth to one another. Friends don't slam the door to correction or reflection when it is offered with affection.
Amy Dickinson