Inspirational Quotes
Nags nag because they feel they aren't being heard.
Amy Dickinson
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Amy Dickinson
Age: 65
Born: 1959
Born: November 6
New York
More quotes by Amy Dickinson
Perspective is the enemy of long-lost love.
Amy Dickinson
Attraction happens when you feel important, valued, appreciated and wanted.
Amy Dickinson
Almost any group of three is going to form a triangle, with two points closer to one another.
Amy Dickinson
The fullness of life is incubated in its messy places.
Amy Dickinson
Your job in life is to look after yourself and to find ways to get what you need - emotionally and otherwise - so that you live your best possible life, without being mired in anger and hurt over the past.
Amy Dickinson
[from a reader] I hope she learns to look for the joy in life instead of picking out negatives - it will change her life for the better.
Amy Dickinson
You should do what you want, but I think you should also consider wanting something different.
Amy Dickinson
One downside of being an optimist is that optimistic people tend to forget yesterday's trauma in the belief that everything will turn out well. This can keep people in bad relationships because they genuinely believe that things will always improve.
Amy Dickinson
This is a tough situation. But it is what it is, and time has an amazing way of knitting together solutions as long as everybody stays calm and resolves to be as gentle and patient as possible.
Amy Dickinson
Groveling for connection from someone who compares you to Hitler is not good for a person's self-esteem.
Amy Dickinson
Bullies never want to acknowledge their own actions. They want to move through life without reflection or apology.
Amy Dickinson
Don't be stupid! is excellent advice.
Amy Dickinson
One of the benefits of being divorced is that you no longer need to listen to your ex's assessment of the appropriateness of your actions.
Amy Dickinson
Friends tell each other the truth, and then friends stick around for the aftermath.
Amy Dickinson
One person gets to decide if something is a problem in a relationship.
Amy Dickinson
Single parenthood is hard, but it's simple too. You just do everything yourself.
Amy Dickinson
A threat is a promise followed by a consequence.
Amy Dickinson
Life is easier when you are comfortable in your own skin.
Amy Dickinson
Individuals who are uncomfortable with themselves sometimes emit vibes that make others uncomfortable.
Amy Dickinson
He sounds like someone who might best be loved from a distance.
Amy Dickinson