Inspirational Quotes
We should work for simple, good, undecorated things
Alvar Aalto
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Alvar Aalto
Age: 78 †
Born: 1898
Born: February 3
Died: 1976
Died: May 11
Urban Planner
Hugo Alvar Henrik Aalto
More quotes by Alvar Aalto
True architecture exists only where man stands in the center.
Alvar Aalto
I do not write, I build.
Alvar Aalto
Our time is so specialised that we have people who know more and more or less and less.
Alvar Aalto
Just as it takes time for a speck of fish spawn to develop into a fully grown fish, so, too, we need time for everything that develops and crystallizes in the world of ideas. Architecture demands more of this time than other creative work.
Alvar Aalto
In almost every task involving form, there are dozens, often hundreds of contradictory elements, which need to be forced to work in harmony by man's will. This harmony can be acheived only through art.
Alvar Aalto
We should work for simple, good, undecorated things, but things which are in harmony with the human being and organically suited to the little man in the street.
Alvar Aalto
Nothing old is ever reborn, but neither does it totally disappear. And that which has once been [born], will always reappear in a new form.
Alvar Aalto
Nothing is as dangerous in architecture as dealing with separated problems. If we split life into separated problems we split the possibilities to make good building art.
Alvar Aalto
Beauty is the harmony of purpose and form.
Alvar Aalto
Form must have a content, and that content must be linked with nature.
Alvar Aalto
Building art is a synthesis of life in materialised form. We should try to bring in under the same hat not a splintered way of thinking, but all in harmony together.
Alvar Aalto
Even the smallest daily chore can be humanized with the harmony of culture.
Alvar Aalto
It is the task of the architect to give life a gentler structure.
Alvar Aalto
Architecture belongs to culture, not to civilization.
Alvar Aalto
The best standardisation committee in the world is nature herself, but in nature standardisation occurs mainly in connection with the smallest possible units: cells. The result is millions of flexible combinations in which one never encounters the stereotyped.
Alvar Aalto
I tell you, it is easier to build a grand opera or a city center than to build a personal house.
Alvar Aalto
The most difficult problems are naturally not involved in the search for forms for contemporary life. It is a question of working our way to forms behind which real human values lie.
Alvar Aalto
We have almost a city has probably two or three hundred committees. Every committee is dealing with just one problem and has nothing to do with the other problems.
Alvar Aalto
Objects are made to be completed by the human mind.
Alvar Aalto
Modern architecture does not mean the use of immature new materials the main thing is to refine materials in a more human direction.
Alvar Aalto