Inspirational Quotes
In man, the things which are not measurable are more important than those which are measurable.
Alexis Carrel
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Alexis Carrel
Age: 71 †
Born: 1873
Born: June 28
Died: 1944
Died: August 21
More quotes by Alexis Carrel
...the influence of the factory upon the physiological and mental state of the workers has been completely neglected.
Alexis Carrel
The love of beauty in its multiple forms is the noblest gift of the human cerebrum.
Alexis Carrel
The best way of increasing the [average] intelligence of scientists would be to reduce their number.
Alexis Carrel
To accomplish our destiny it is not enough to merely guard prudently against road accidents. We must also cover before nightfall the distance assigned to each of us.
Alexis Carrel
Those who do not know how to fight worry die young.
Alexis Carrel
Prayer is the force as real as terrestrial gravity. As a physician, I have seen men, after all other therapy had failed, lifted out of disease and melancholy by the serene effort of prayer. Only in prayer do we achieve that complete and harmonious assembly of body, mind and spirit which gives the frail human reed its unshakable strength.
Alexis Carrel
Prayer is the most powerful form of energy one can generate....It supplies us with a flow of sustaining power in our daily lives.
Alexis Carrel
Hard conditions of life are indispensable to bringing out the best in human personality.
Alexis Carrel
Those who desire to rise as high as our human condition allows, must renounce intellectual pride, the omnipotence of clear thinking, belief in the absolute power of logic.
Alexis Carrel
One must train oneself, by small and frequent efforts, to dominate one's feelings.
Alexis Carrel
The quality of life is more important than life itself.
Alexis Carrel
If the doctor of today does not become the dietician of tomorrow, the dietician of today will become the doctor of tomorrow.
Alexis Carrel
Religion brings to man an inner strength, spiritual light, and ineffable peace.
Alexis Carrel
Everyone makes a greater effort to hurt other people than to help himself.
Alexis Carrel
The modern city consists of...dark, narrow streets full of gasoline fumes, coal dust, and toxic gasses, torn by the noise.
Alexis Carrel
The atmosphere of libraries, lecture rooms and laboratories is dangerous to those who shut themselves up in them too long. It separates us from reality like a fog.
Alexis Carrel
Intelligence is almost useless to the person whose only quality it is.
Alexis Carrel
The search for God is indeed, an entirely personal undertaking.... the most audacious adventure that one can dare.
Alexis Carrel
The influence of prayer on the human mind and body is as demonstrable as that of secreting glands. Its results can be measured in terms of increased physical buoyancy, greater intellectual vigor, moral stamina, and a deeper understanding of the realities underlying human relationship.
Alexis Carrel
Scientific civilisation has destroyed the soul of the world.
Alexis Carrel