Inspirational Quotes
When we pray we link ourselves with an inexhaustible motive power.
Alexis Carrel
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Alexis Carrel
Age: 71 †
Born: 1873
Born: June 28
Died: 1944
Died: August 21
More quotes by Alexis Carrel
Hard conditions of life are indispensable to bringing out the best in human personality.
Alexis Carrel
Those who desire to rise as high as our human condition allows, must renounce intellectual pride, the omnipotence of clear thinking, belief in the absolute power of logic.
Alexis Carrel
The secret of life is to be found in life itself, in the full organic, intellectual and spiritual activities of our body.
Alexis Carrel
Prayer is the most powerful form of energy one can generate....It supplies us with a flow of sustaining power in our daily lives.
Alexis Carrel
Men grow when inspired by a high purpose, when contemplating vast horizons. The sacrifice of oneself is not very difficult for one burning with the passion for a great adventure.
Alexis Carrel
The best way of increasing the [average] intelligence of scientists would be to reduce their number.
Alexis Carrel
Those who don't learn to fight worry, die young.
Alexis Carrel
In joy or sorrow, health or sickness, prosperity or the reverse, the effort must still continue. One must rise after every fall and gradually acquire courage, faith, the will to succeed and the capacity to love.
Alexis Carrel
In man, the things which are not measurable are more important than those which are measurable.
Alexis Carrel
The cell is immortal. It is merely the fluid in which it floats that degenerates. Renew this fluid at regular intervals, give the cells what they require for nutrition, and as far as we know, the pulsation of life can go on forever.
Alexis Carrel
Logic never attracts men to the point of carrying them away.
Alexis Carrel
Intuition comes very close to clairvoyance it appears to be the extrasensory perception of reality.
Alexis Carrel
All great men are gifted with intuition. They know without reasoning or analysis, what they need to know.
Alexis Carrel
Prayer, like radium, is a luminous and self-generating form of energy.
Alexis Carrel
There are no watertight compartments in our inmost nature.
Alexis Carrel
Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor.
Alexis Carrel
Science has to be understood in its broadest sense, as a method for apprehending all observable reality, and not merely as an instrument for acquiring specialized knowledge.
Alexis Carrel
The first duty of society is to give each of its members the possibility of fulfilling his destiny. When it becomes incapable of performing this duty it must be transformed.
Alexis Carrel
Scientific civilisation has destroyed the soul of the world.
Alexis Carrel
To accomplish our destiny it is not enough to merely guard prudently against road accidents. We must also cover before nightfall the distance assigned to each of us.
Alexis Carrel