Inspirational Quotes
Style, after all, rather than thought, is the immortal thing in literature.
Alexander Smith
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Alexander Smith
Age: 36 †
Born: 1830
Born: December 31
Died: 1867
Died: January 5
Cille Mheàrnaig
More quotes by Alexander Smith
A man's real possession is his memory. In nothing else is he rich, in nothing else is he poor.
Alexander Smith
In my garden I spend my days in my library I spend my nights.
Alexander Smith
It is a characteristic of pleasure that we can never recognize it to be pleasure till after it is gone.
Alexander Smith
Vanity in its idler moments is benevolent, is as willing to give pleasure as to take it, and accepts as sufficient reward for its services a kind word or an approving smile.
Alexander Smith
I have learned to prize the quiet, lightning deed, not the applauding thunder at its heels that men call fame.
Alexander Smith
The great man is the man who does a thing for the first time.
Alexander Smith
Pride's chickens have bonny feathers, but they are an expensive brood to rear. They eat up everything, and are always lean when brought to market.
Alexander Smith
An old novel has a history of its own.
Alexander Smith
The globe has been circumnavigated, but no man ever yet has you may survey a kingdom and note the result in maps, but all the savants in the world could not produce a reliable map of the poorest human personality.
Alexander Smith
My friend is not perfect-no more than I am-and so we suit each other admirable.
Alexander Smith
Not on the stage alone, in the world also, a man's real character comes out best in his asides.
Alexander Smith
One never hugs one's good luck so affectionately as when listening to the relation of some horrible misfortunes which has overtaken others.
Alexander Smith
Books are a finer world within the world. (1863)
Alexander Smith
Looking forward into an empty year strikes one with a certain awe, because one finds therein no recognition. The years behind have a friendly aspect, and they are warmed by the fires we have kindled, and all their echoes are the echoes of our own voices.
Alexander Smith
To be occasionally quoted is the only fame I care for.
Alexander Smith
The greatness of an artist or a writer does not depend on what he has in common with other artists and writers, but on what he has peculiar to himself.
Alexander Smith
There is a certain even-handed justice in Time and for what he takes away he gives us something in return. He robs us of elasticity of limb and spirit, and in its place he brings tranquility and repose—the mild autumnal weather of the soul.
Alexander Smith
If you do your fair day's work, you are certain to get your fair day's wage - in praise or pudding, whichever happens to suit your taste.
Alexander Smith
It is not of so much consequence what you say, as how you say it. Memorable sentences are memorable on account of some single irradiating word.
Alexander Smith
Happiness never lays its finger on its pulse. If we attempt to steal a glimpse of its features it disappears.
Alexander Smith