Inspirational Quotes
The dreams you craft at the level of your soul are very different from goals, which are tangible, measurable and set the future.
Alberto Villoldo
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Alberto Villoldo
More quotes by Alberto Villoldo
The shaman no longer looks for meaning in life, but brings meaning to every situation. The shaman stops looking for truth and instead brings truth to every encounter. You don t look for the right partner, you become the right partner. And then the right partner finds you. It s a very active practice focused on healing.
Alberto Villoldo
In order to tap into the power of dreaming, we must connect not only to the human story, but to all of nature and creation as well
Alberto Villoldo
All deaths, all endings, are a path to the next beginning.
Alberto Villoldo
With One Spirit Medicine , you will discover how to dance between the visible, physical world of the senses and everyday tasks, and the invisible world of Spirit. You will be like the graceful jaguar, the balancing force of the rain forest who serves as an intermediary between the seen and unseen worlds as it journeys beyond death into eternity.
Alberto Villoldo
The shaman is a self-realized person. She discovers the ways of Spirit through her inner awakening.
Alberto Villoldo
Life and death and rebirth live within me.
Alberto Villoldo
Having the courage to dream means following your calling today, in some way, despite the facts in your life that seem to be unmovable obstacles. And then, if your canvas is unfinished at the moment you die, at least you'll die an artist rather than a dabbler who talks about how she or he would truly like to live.
Alberto Villoldo
To be a seer is to walk softly on the earth and dream.
Alberto Villoldo
When you truly have the courage to dream, you have the courage to act as well.
Alberto Villoldo
We often forget that growth requires sacrifice.
Alberto Villoldo
The Munay-Ki is your invitation to dream an entire new world into being.
Alberto Villoldo
Patience is about understanding the right moment for action and the right moment for stillness.
Alberto Villoldo
The nature of the cosmos is such that whatever vision you have about yourself and the world will become reality. As soon as you awaken to the power you have, you begin to flex the muscles of your courage.
Alberto Villoldo
The Divine does not come from somewhere above, it exists beyond time and space, and informs all life.
Alberto Villoldo
Psychosis is a very Western phenomena.
Alberto Villoldo
Destiny is saying yes to the calling we were born with.
Alberto Villoldo
When you see beauty all around you, beauty will seek and find you, even in the most unexpected places.
Alberto Villoldo
Life will drag us kicking and screaming to our destiny if we try to escape it.
Alberto Villoldo
An inspired and inspiring guide to living with optimism in a world that is increasingly jaded and pessimistic. Uplifting, rousing, and challenging us to dream the world into being in a positive and creative manner.
Alberto Villoldo
There is a sea of consciousness that is universal, even though we each perceive it from our own shores, an awareness and a world that we all share, that can be experienced by every living being, yet is seldom seen by any.
Alberto Villoldo