Inspirational Quotes
Less glory is more liberty. When the drum is silent, reason sometimes speaks.
Albert Pike
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Albert Pike
Age: 81 †
Born: 1809
Born: December 29
Died: 1891
Died: April 2
A. Pike
More quotes by Albert Pike
We must pass through the darkness, to reach the light.
Albert Pike
We seem never to know what any thing means or is worth until we have lost it.
Albert Pike
A dim consciousness of infinite mystery and grandeur lies beneath all the commonplace of life . There is an awfulness and a majesty around us, in all our little worldliness .
Albert Pike
The sources of our knowledge of the kabalistic doctrines are the books of Yetzirah and Zohar, the former drawn up in the second century, and the latter a little later but they contain materials much older than themselves...In them, as in the teachings of Zoroaster, everything that exists emanates from a source of infinite Light.
Albert Pike
One man is equivalent to all Creation. One man is a World in miniature.
Albert Pike
All the great and beneficent operations of Nature are produced by slow and often imperceptible degrees. The work of destruction and devastation only is violent and rapid.
Albert Pike
Know thou the self (spirit) as riding in a chariot, The body as the chariot. Know thou the intellect as the chariot-driver, And the mind as the reins. The senses, they say, are the horses The objects of sense, what they range over. The self combined with senses and mind Wise men call the enjoyer.
Albert Pike
Death is the inseparable antecedent of life the seed dies in order to produce the plant, and earth itself is rent asunder and dies at the birth of Dionusos. Hence the significancy of the phallus, or of its inoffensive substitute, the obelisk, rising as an emblem of resurrection by the tomb of buried Deity at Lerna or at Sais.
Albert Pike
Justice is peculiarly indispensable to nations.
Albert Pike
I took my obligations from white men, not from negroes. When I have to accept negroes as brothers or leave masonry, I shall leave it
Albert Pike
Masonry is a search after Light. That search leads us directly back, as you see, to the Kabalah.
Albert Pike
We live our little life but Heaven is above us and all around and close to us and Eternity is before us and behind us and suns and stars are silent witnesses and watchers over us. We are enfolded by Infinity.
Albert Pike
The Word of God is the universal and invisible Light, cognizable by the senses, that emits its blaze in the Sun, Moon, Planets, and other Stars.
Albert Pike
Work only can keep even kings respectable.
Albert Pike
Fictions are necessary for the people, and the Truth becomes deadly to those who are not strong enough to contemplate it in all its brilliance. In fact, what can there be in common between the vile multitude and sublime wisdom? The Truth must be kept secret, and the masses need a teaching proportioned to their imperfect reason.
Albert Pike
A war for a great principle ennobles a nation.
Albert Pike
Two forms of government are favorable to the prevalence of falsehood and deceit. Under a Despotism, men are false, treacherous, and deceitful through fear, like slaves dreading the lash. Under a Democracy they are so as a means of attaining popularity and office, and because of the greed for wealth.
Albert Pike
Be prudent, diligent, temperate and discreet. Remember that every human being has a claim upon your kind offices.
Albert Pike
Two forms of government are favorable to the prevalence of falsehood and deceit. Under a Despotism, men are false, treacherous, and deceitful through fear, like slaves dreading the lash. Under a Democracy they are so as a means of attaining popularity and office, and because of the greed for wealth.
Albert Pike
Justice is peculiarly indispensable to nations . The unjust State is doomed of God to calamity and ruin. This is the teaching of the Eternal Wisdom and of history .
Albert Pike