Inspirational Quotes
Will is the dynamic soul-force.
Albert Pike
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Albert Pike
Age: 81 †
Born: 1809
Born: December 29
Died: 1891
Died: April 2
A. Pike
More quotes by Albert Pike
I took my obligations from white men, not from negroes. When I have to accept negroes as brothers or leave masonry, I shall leave it
Albert Pike
War is a series of catastrophes which result in victory.
Albert Pike
To you, Sovereign Grand Inspectors General (33rd Degree Masons), we say this, that you may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st, and 30th degrees: 'The Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine.'
Albert Pike
A good man will find that there is goodness in the world an honest man will find that there is honesty in the world and a man of principle will find principle and integrity in the hearts of others.
Albert Pike
Man's real genius and knowledge remains preserved in books
Albert Pike
The true Philosophy, known and practised by Solomon, is the basis on which Masonry is founded.
Albert Pike
Masonry is not a religion. He who makes of it a religious belief, falsifies and denaturalizes it.
Albert Pike
Doubt, the essential preliminary of all improvement and discovery, must accompany the stages of man's onward progress. The faculty of doubting and questioning, without which those of comparison and judgment would be useless, is itself a divine prerogative of the reason.
Albert Pike
The universal medicine for the Soul is the Supreme Reason and Absolute Justice for the mind, mathematical and practical Truth for the body, the Quintessence, a combination of light and gold.
Albert Pike
Let us drink together, fellows, as we did in days of yore. And still enjoy the golden hours that Fortune has in store The absent friends remembered be, in all that’s sung or said, And Love immortal consecrate the memory of the dead.
Albert Pike
It is not in the books of the Philosophers, but in the religious symbolism of the Ancients, that we must look for the footprints of Science, and re-discover the Mysteries of Knowledge.
Albert Pike
The word well spoken, the deed fitly done, even by the feeblest or humblest, cannot help but have their effect. More or less, the effect is inevitable and eternal.
Albert Pike
Man is not to be comprehended as a starting-point, or progress as a goal, without those two great forces , Faith and Love . Prayer is sublime.
Albert Pike
Every Masonic Lodge is a temple of religion and its teachings are instruction in religion.
Albert Pike
Justice is peculiarly indispensable to nations.
Albert Pike
The sources of our knowledge of the kabalistic doctrines are the books of Yetzirah and Zohar, the former drawn up in the second century, and the latter a little later but they contain materials much older than themselves...In them, as in the teachings of Zoroaster, everything that exists emanates from a source of infinite Light.
Albert Pike
The unconsidered act of the poorest of men may fire the train that leads to the subterranean mine, and an empire be rent by the explosion.
Albert Pike
The eyes of the cheerful and of the melancholy man are fixed upon the same creation but very different are the aspects which it bears to them.
Albert Pike
A war for a great principle ennobles a nation.
Albert Pike
Justice to others and to ourselves is the same that we cannot define our duties by mathematical lines ruled by the square, but must fill with them the great circle traced by the compasses
Albert Pike