Inspirational Quotes
What our laws show is the extent and degree to which conflict has to be suppressed.
Alasdair MacIntyre
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Alasdair MacIntyre
Age: 95
Born: 1929
Born: January 12
Alasdair Chalmers MacIntyre
More quotes by Alasdair MacIntyre
It is only by participation in a rational, practice-based community that one becomes rational.
Alasdair MacIntyre
The attempted professionalization of serious and systematic thinking has had a disastrous effect upon our culture
Alasdair MacIntyre
I have confronted theoretical positions whose protagonists claim that what I take to be historically produced characteristics of what is specifically modern are in fact the timelessly necessary characteristics of all and any moral judgment, of all and any selfhood.
Alasdair MacIntyre
The good life for man is the life spent in seeking for the good life for man, and the virtues necessary for the seeking are those which will enable us to understand what more and what else the good life for man is.
Alasdair MacIntyre
Imprisoning philosophy within the professionalizations and specializations of an institutionalized curriculum, after the manner of our contemporary European and North American culture, is arguably a good deal more effective in neutralizing its effects than either religious censorship or political terror
Alasdair MacIntyre
Facts, like telescopes and wigs for gentlemen, were a seventeenth century invention.
Alasdair MacIntyre
The way to bring out the best in the British people is to attack them.
Alasdair MacIntyre
Christians have given atheists less and less in which to disbelieve
Alasdair MacIntyre
We are waiting not for a Godot but for another-doubtless very different-St. Benedict.
Alasdair MacIntyre
Charles II once invited the members of the Royal Society to explain to him why a dead fish weighs more than the same fish alive a number of subtle explanations were offered to him. He then pointed out that it does not.
Alasdair MacIntyre
Of what story or stories do I find myself a part?
Alasdair MacIntyre
Modern systematic politics, whether liberal, conservative, radical, or socialist, simply has to be rejected from a standpoint that owes genuine allegiance to the tradition of the virtues for modern politics itself expresses in its institutional forms a systematic rejection of that tradition
Alasdair MacIntyre
Traditions, when vital, embody continuities of conflict. Indeed when a tradition becomes Burkean, it is always dying or dead.
Alasdair MacIntyre
Virtues are dispositions not only to act in particular ways, but also to feel in particular ways. To act virtuously is not, as Kant was later to think, to act against inclination it is to act from inclination formed by the cultivation of the virtues.
Alasdair MacIntyre
What this brings out is that modern politics cannot be a matter of genuine moral consensus. And it is not. Modern politics is civil war carried on by other means.
Alasdair MacIntyre
At the foundation of moral thinking lie beliefs in statements the truth of which no further reason can be given.
Alasdair MacIntyre
Modern politics is civil war carried on by other means.
Alasdair MacIntyre
Truth has been displaced as a value and replaced by psychological effectiveness.
Alasdair MacIntyre
I can only answer the question ‘What am I to do?’ if I can answer the prior question ‘Of what story or stories do I find myself a part?’
Alasdair MacIntyre
Morality which is no particular socity's morality is to be found nowhere.
Alasdair MacIntyre