Inspirational Quotes
Sometimes I say, If I had seen some masterpieces, maybe I wouldn't have dared start. I started very - not innocent, but naïve in a way.
Agnes Varda
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Agnes Varda
Age: 90 †
Born: 1928
Born: May 30
Died: 2019
Died: March 29
Film Director
Film Editor
Film Producer
Agnés Varda
Agnes Varda
More quotes by Agnes Varda
I see all these students, and I admire them - they're trying to learn something, they go to school, they do film school, they go on shoots, they help. I'm sure they learn a lot, and some of them, it makes them aware of what they wish to do. I was - that's the way I was - autodidact.
Agnes Varda
The freedom he gave himself to work and change shape and change ideas and work all the time with joy, the joy of painting was in [Publo] Picasso, which I found beautiful.
Agnes Varda
I've changed my approach to people and to filming because of the new equipment, which is important.
Agnes Varda
I wanted to speak strongly about feminism in my life, since it's been a struggle.
Agnes Varda
This is all you need in life: a computer, a camera, and a cat.
Agnes Varda
I think we need to have a nest of something which is family.
Agnes Varda
If you know nothing, it could be like an enemy in a way. I think that's the way I felt when I was young.
Agnes Varda
I made a braid because Chinese old people, they say that the God will take you by the hair to join you with - but God didn't take me, so I cut the braid.
Agnes Varda
Sometimes I want to work with a DP, sometimes I want to work myself. I go to 35mm, 16mm, it's all the same, but it depends on what you want to tell and what are the tools you need.
Agnes Varda
I'd been educated stupidly, I knew nothing about nothing, that's part of being shy.
Agnes Varda
I was eighteen, this was back in '46, so we also had these very frightening images of soldiers in the streets of Paris. So the effect of war, plus my shyness, plus my lack of education - I was afraid of men, really. It changes later, but it took me a certain time to adjust.
Agnes Varda
Gleaning is getting things that are abandoned. I did not abandon my early pictures, my photos, my early films. It's just going through my body of work as something I can pick from.
Agnes Varda
There is a song of Gainsbourg that Jane Birkin sang, and the words are beautiful in French. It says, Le jeu et les moi. It's impossible to translate, because it has a very nice sound. It sounds so lovely in French. So I took that because it was the subject: I and myself and myself and I. Which is, in a way, boring, because it is a contradictio
Agnes Varda
I had a very good time when I did The Gleaners - even though the people are poor, and I was suffering to see the conditions, and plus they are not such lovely hearts. They are tough to each other, they beat each other, they are rude and they are violent and they drink. They're not sweethearts, you know, but some were so interesting.
Agnes Varda
I try to do nothing. I drink rosemary when I have a lot of work to do. People take coffee, they take speed, whatever. I take rosemary.
Agnes Varda
Sometimes I feel sad, but this is not nostalgia, because I don't want time to come back.
Agnes Varda
The tool of every self-portrait is the mirror. You see yourself in it. Turn it the other way, and you see the world .
Agnes Varda
The story of a couple is always very fragile, especially over more than thirty years. People know it's not easy, and even though you have strong feeling and desire and endless love, it doesn't always happen.
Agnes Varda
It's nice to think that we have in ourselves the energy. It's somewhere, but it's sleeping sometimes. I try to wake it up when I need it.
Agnes Varda
Good cinema is good cinema. It makes you feel like you need to work. Just yesterday I saw a good film, but even if I'd seen a bad one, I'd feel, Oh my god, what a bad job, I can do better.
Agnes Varda