Inspirational Quotes
Ah! Wretched and too solitary he who loves not his own company.
Abraham Cowley
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Abraham Cowley
Age: 49 †
Born: 1618
Born: January 1
Died: 1667
Died: July 28
the City
More quotes by Abraham Cowley
Enjoy the present hour, Be thankful for the past, And neither fear nor wish Th' approaches of the last.
Abraham Cowley
His faith, perhaps, in some nice tenets might Be wrong his life, I'm sure, was in the right.
Abraham Cowley
Lukewarmness I account a sin, as great in love as in religion.
Abraham Cowley
To be a husbandman, is but a retreat from the city to be a philosopher, from the world or rather, a retreat from the world, as it is man's, into the world, as it is God's.
Abraham Cowley
It is a hard and nice subject for a man to speak of himself: it grates his own heart to say anything of disparagement, and the reader's ear to hear anything of praise from him.
Abraham Cowley
Nothing so soon the drooping spirits can raise As praises from the men, whom all men praise.
Abraham Cowley
Much will always wanting be To him who much desires.
Abraham Cowley
The getting out of doors is the greatest part of the journey.
Abraham Cowley
Life is an incurable disease.
Abraham Cowley
Curiosity does, no less than devotion, pilgrims make.
Abraham Cowley
The Sunflow'r, thinking 'twas for him foul shame To nap by daylight, strove t' excuse the blame It was not sleep that made him nod, he said, But too great weight and largeness of his head.
Abraham Cowley
There have been fewer friends on earth than kings.
Abraham Cowley
There is some help for all the defects of fortune for, if a man cannot attain to the length of his wishes, he may have his remedy by cutting of them shorter.
Abraham Cowley
Acquaintance I would have, but when it depends not on number, but the choice of friends.
Abraham Cowley
Stones of small worth may lie unseen by day, But night itself does the rich gem betray.
Abraham Cowley
What shall I do to be for ever known, And make the age to come my own?
Abraham Cowley
Awake, awake, my Lyre!And tell thy silent master's humble taleIn sounds that may prevailSounds that gentle thoughts inspire:Though so exalted sheAnd I so lowly beTell her, such different notes make all thy harmony.
Abraham Cowley
Of all ills that one endures, hope is a cheap and universal cure.
Abraham Cowley
Hope is the most hopeless thing of all.
Abraham Cowley
s a scene of changes, and to be constant in Nature were inconstancy.
Abraham Cowley